Stuart Undergoes Fitness Test At The Bupa Hospital On New Computerised System

1986 , Norwich. (Norfolk)

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Computer system monitors fitness level for health check.

Anglia TV sports reporter Stuart Jarrold keeps himself fit, but there is still a little trepidation as he submits to the computerised health and fitness checks at the Norwich Bupa hospital. In the initial interview, Dr Ian Brooksby asks about stress in Stuart's life and whether he smokes, drinks, plays sports. The doctor comments that people are generally getting less exercise. Next Mary Harman, exercise physiologist, supervises Stuart’s height and weight measurement, blood and urine analysis (not seen), and measures his fat level with calipers on his arm. He is then wired up to the Marquette computer monitors before running on a treadmill as Mary wills him on. A computer printout shows his heart, lung, pulse rate, blood pressure and muscle performance. The test costs nearly £200 for a full screening tailored to the individual. The doctor says that people are prepared to pay to safeguard their long-term health. Mary says the readings will show whether Stuart is a slob or not and gives him the thumbs up. Stuart wonders how many other Anglia TV presenters will have a go at the fitness check.


Health; Fitness; Health monitoring; Computers; Hospitals


Stuart Undergoes Fitness Test At The Bupa Hospital On New Computerised System

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