Harvey Proctor Has Spoken Out About The Growth Of Immigrant Families In Britain

1986 , Billericay (Essex)

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Billericay MP Harvey Proctor talks about immigration and race relations, and his political future.

In November 1986, MP for Billericay, Harvey Proctor states his concerns about the future of immigration and race relations in the UK. In this brief interview he says he feels he echoes the feelings of many ordinary people in the UK, and that he is in favour of integration but concerned about the current and projected future large numbers of ‘ethnic populations’. Anglia Television reporter Rebecca Atherstone asks him about recent calls for him to resign. He replies that some people do not want him to speak about immigration and race relations, but that many would like him to voice their fears on this subject. The interviewer asks if this is why some of his senior constituency members have resigned, and he answers ‘in part, but not in whole’. This video was made to be shown in a news story on Anglia Television early evening news / magazine programme About Anglia.


Immigration; Race relations; Members of Parliament

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Known for his right wing views on race relations and immigration, Harvey Proctor was facing other concerns following newspaper reports of his involvement with male prostitutes below the same-sex age of consent which was then 21, though 18 for people of opposite sex. Facing a court case, he resigned as an MP in May 1987.


Harvey Proctor Has Spoken Out About The Growth Of Immigrant Families In Britain

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