Two Vietnamese Girls Who Up Until Four Years Ago Could Not Speak English Have Both Gained High O Level Passes

1983 , Northamptonshire (County)

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Interviews with two hard-working pupils and their teachers.

Two girls who came to the UK as immigrants from Vietnam and could speak no English four years ago have gained high ‘O’ level passes in their school exams. The girls are seen in the classroom of their Northamptonshire school as a teacher delivers a lesson from the blackboard. Two teachers are interviewed, Ann Locke and John Shawland, who speak of the girls’ perseverance and determination. Next the pupils are interviewed. Truc Nguyen says she studies at home two hours each day, goes to sport club, and hopes to study nursing. Ngoc Du says her strongest subjects are maths and chemistry and she studies three hours a day at home. Asked for the secret of her success she sends a positive message, ‘everybody can do that’. The reporter was John Kiddey for this video made to be shown in a news story on Anglia Television early evening news / magazine programme About Anglia.


Education; Secondary education; Schools; English as a foreign language; Homework; Immigration


Two Vietnamese Girls Who Up Until Four Years Ago Could Not Speak English Have Both Gained High O Level Passes

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