Work Being Carried Out At The UEA Into The Efficiency Of The Ox As A Form Of Ploughing

1983 , Norwich (Norfolk)

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News report on research to improve the efficiency of ploughing with oxen carried out at the University of East Anglia.

Two black and white oxen pull a hay baler across a field. Riding on the baler is academic researcher David Barton of the School of Development Studies at the University of East Anglia. Anglia Television reporter Paul Barnes talks with David Barton about alternative types of oxen harness. The aim of the research is to develop an improved harness appropriate for the needs of farmers in African countries and in India, in a design which is easy to use and cheap for them to make. David Barton is asked about his experience of working with oxen and recalls that they are keen to be heading for home, and once made a meal of the sugar beet trials at the nearby sugar research station. With jokes about Ben Hur, Paul Barnes takes a turn driving the oxen from the hay baler. This short video was made to be shown in a news story on Anglia Television early evening news / magazine programme About Anglia.


International development; Global development; Third World; Oxen; Subsistence farming; Agriculture; Farming; Ploughing; Universities; Development studies

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In its 50th anniversary year in 2023, the school changed its name from the School of International Development to the School of Global Development. See


Work Being Carried Out At The UEA Into The Efficiency Of The Ox As A Form Of Ploughing

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