The Eleventh Law

1940s , Houghton (Cambridgeshire)

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Fictional film about the adventures of the boy scouts in Houghton

This is one of those films where the actual filmed action adds very little to the intertitles. The plot of the story can be found in them.The film starts with shots of a Scout camp inspection. There are close up shots of the main characters and captions introducing them. Throughout the film there are many shots of teenage boys, dressed in Scout uniform and school uniform. On one occasion a boy appears in cadet uniform, a reminder of the times. There are shots of cars from the period.The police appear in uniform. There are interior shots of a Police Station and a shot of a police car. There are interior scenes showing domestic scenes from a variety of houses. In some of these people take tea. There are shots of Cambridge showing the exterior of King's College and the Senate House from King's Parade. There are exterior scenes of St. John's college, showing the gatehouse and the Quads. A sequence shows a Scout Fete with many children in fancy dress. In a shot that appears out of context a man shows some of the Scouts his ferrets. There are interior shots of a formal examination hall with the invigilating master wearing academic robes. There are also shots of the Head Teacher's study.At the fictional Brington there are shots of a Church and a large country house. There are some interior shots of this house.There is a scene where 'Clive' is leaning on a gate looking into a field. In this field are a toddler and some loose horses. Clive jumps the gate to rescue the toddler and falls hurting himself. He is taken by the boy's parents and appears in bed being tended by a doctor.There are some scenes of the streets of Houghton and of the Market Cross.The rest of the film can be followed from the intertitles.The film ends abruptly with Clive having been captured.


David Pitt ... as ... Clive Howard.Harry Anderson ... as ... Dr. Clive Drake.Derek Dome ... as ... Professor Merton.Dr. Drake, busy on an important historical book, pays a call in order to obtain useful data.Hacombe-Grey and William Haggar, two international tricksters, have been dogging Drake and now waylay him.The Merestead lads out on a trail find Drake.Quite a nice lot of 'homework', Bill. But there are several sheets missing.The police are called in.A conference is held to discuss the best solution.Drake says he is going to St. John's, Cambridge to obtain some more data.Merton, absent-minded, jots down some notes on the back of an examination draft paper he is preparing.Seeing the Merestead Scouts nearby, Drake calls them in to help as well.Merton, apprehensive of further waylaying, asks Clive Howard to mind some papers for him.'On no account let anyone have these papers! I will meet you here or near my house after my return from Cambridge.Drake meets Merton at St. John's and they revel over new historical facts Colin has found in a friend's library.Chief Inspector Claire, observing Grey in the crowd at a Merestead fete, asks Clive to try to keep an eye on him.'I can't pick him up -- yet, my lad: But you might do a spot of trailing.Victor Clevendon is doing his homework when Daniel Lindway comes in. They think out a joke on Clive.Phyllis Fending, Tim's sister, does not think the idea of Dan's joke very clever.'I think it is a very silly trick! Clive is a good sort.' Merton just cannot think where he put the papers! Clive is going in for an examination, and some of his friends offer him, by way of a joke, a key to German.Busy over his forthcoming exam, Clive has no time for larking about.His friends think he should have a rest. In the scrimmage his book goes into the water.Clive gets 'rattled' and sends Victor Clevendon and Daniel Lindway in the river after the book.Clive goes in for his examination.Near the end, he 'doodles' a bit, and draws out Professor Merton's papers from his pocket.The Master suspects that he is cribbing and sends him to the Head Master.Clive Howard is told that his exam efforts must be regarded as of no worth.Bewildered and gloomy, he goes home.'Did you cheat, Clive?' 'No, I didn't.' Clive refuses to go to Brington with his friends for a short camp.The Eleventh Law.'No! I do not intend to go to Brington ... Tell them to buzz off!' At Brington.Professor Fielding hands an historical book to Clevendon to take back to Sir Colin.He meets with an adventure and is injured.Brother Scouts try to cheer up Clive.Howard pays a visit to the local library.Hacombe-Grey, suspecting him of being in with Drake, follows him.Merton has left some papers in a book: Clive comes across them.Though he tries to conceal the fact, Grey sees, and taking the bull by the horns does his best to persuade Howard to come over to his side.Howard apparently agrees.'Where am I going Oh, I'm off to see Sir Colin Drake, and you can mind your own business!' Drake is delighted and shows him a little of his historical work. Drake's wife comes in with some friends for tea.Victor watches Clive effecting an entry into Sir Colin's house.'Whatever is old Clive up to with that gang?' Victor is captured, but released on promising to keep quite.He agrees to keep quiet partly out of an intention to find out more about the crooks, partly out of friendship for Clive.Clive, feeling forlorn, idly turns over Merton's papers and finds historical references on the other side.Clive rushes to take Daniel into his confidence.Drake spots his enemies in time and asks Clive to carry documents to the police.

Background Information

The Reverend Ward made several films with the Scouts, many of them fictional. One reel was shown separately as a record of the 1947 floods in Houghton.


The Eleventh Law

  • Activities
    Canonical Identifier
    Canonical Title
    Carrier Details
    Carrier Type
    16mm film
    Colour System
    Colour Type
    Has Image
    Has Sound
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    Modification Date
  • Activities
    Canonical Identifier
    Canonical Title
    Carrier Details
    Carrier Type
    16mm film
    Colour System
    Colour Type
    Has Image
    Has Sound
    Image Polarity
    Modification Date

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