First Class Journey

1940s , Houghton (Cambridgeshire)

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Fictional film about the adventures of boy scouts Jack and Roland

The actual filmed action adds very little to the intertitles. The plot of the story can be found in them. The film shows the Scouts on a train and interior shots of the train. The Scouts pitch camp and then play disorganised games prior to learning to read a map and organised games. Two senior Scouts, called in the fictional film, Jack and Roland pack their kit and set out for their First Class Journey. There are shots of them along the way, intercut with shots of the other fictional character, Sir Desmond Sturming. In connection with the latter, there are shots of the 'Torbay Express' at a railway station. The boys pitch camp for the night, lighting a fire and cooking a meal. There are shots of seaside town that they visit. The film shows them testing for wing direction and trying to estimate the height of trees. They also collect firewood and feed some pigs. They turn up a lane. Here they find the bullet and meet the spies, who capture them and Sir Desmond. The rest can be followed from the intertitles.


The 1st Panthers are off to camp.And there they found, as you always do find in camp, health and happiness.Learning to read a map was part of one's training.Camp races give one an appetite! Jack and Roland get ready for their first class journey.Packing up for the journey.Mr. Conley, S.M., 'briefs' the two Scouts for their journey.Jack Glebb and Roland Barton set out.Sir Desmond Stirling is also 'briefed' for his (secret) journey.The courier leaves for a secret destination. He goes by the Torbay Express.He carries a vital document.Meanwhile the two scouts are following out their orders.Jack! Let's camp here for the night.They light a fire, have supper.And .... so to bed.Early next morning.Now where are we supposed to go today.Roly, just look at the sea.All I can say is, 'Let's get into it!' The Commissioner has not set and easy task but Jack works away with a will, and Roly lets him do a bit for himself.Wind direction finding (not as easy as it looks).Estimating heights. (a) Lumberman's method (b) Orthodox way.They do a good turn ... collect firewood, feed some pigs.Off again.I'm positive we turn up this lane Jack.Gerard Mullhand and Karl Lebner have received word by telephone that Sturming is on his way.Roly! Come here! I've found a bullet! You think those men were loading a gat and dropped it? Lebner and his accomplice are confused by the surprising doggedness and resolution of the Scouts. They capture Roland but Jack Glebb escapes.First Class Journey.The Courier is captured.Jack, though free, has been shot ... a flesh wound, but it sapped his strength a lot.The spies are dissatisfied with their hand, but are at a loss as to what to do.Jack effects a coup of his own.Karl Lebner is knocked out.They search for the document Jack has hidden.Roland gets free but is caught again as he tries to help Sir Desmond.They bully him without success.Sir Desmond recovers a little and assists Roland to escape. He gives him directions.Roland obeys orders.Jack gives aid to the messenger.(Caption over exposed.) 'You chaps go up the field and try to find Jack. Lucky our route brought us back this way!' He pushes on towards a farm The coming of the Panthers has upset the plans of Lebner and Mullhand; these two are on the run.During the following melee, the two crooks separate and are chased by the Scouts, some of whom give aid to the Courier and their brother Scout.Meanwhile Gerard Mullhand is captured.Crossing a field, still struggling along with the injured Courier, Jack is seen by the Panther Patrol, and the Scouts rush to his aid.Roger Reid, a farm hand, acts quickly and they go at once to Mr. East, the farmer.Mr. Reid gets his shot-gun! Farmer Reid takes a pot-shot.Karl is hit in the leg.Karl seems to be in the wars a lot. Cudgelled ... now shot.Sir Desmond goes with the Scouts to where Jack has the document.The end of a ...... First Class Journey.


First Class Journey

  • Activities
    Canonical Identifier
    Canonical Title
    Carrier Details
    Carrier Type
    16mm film
    Colour System
    Colour Type
    Has Image
    Has Sound
    Image Polarity
    Modification Date
  • Activities
    Canonical Identifier
    Canonical Title
    Carrier Details
    Carrier Type
    16mm film
    Colour System
    Colour Type
    Has Image
    Has Sound
    Image Polarity
    Modification Date

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