Chelmsford Carnival 1934

1934 , Chelmsford (Essex)

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A family film including a variety of scenes including the Chelmsford Carnival 1934.

The Carnival passes along a street of terraced houses lined with people. The Carnival Queen is on a horse-drawn float designed as a Greek temple. There are many people in fancy dress. Many floats are decorated as boats and ships. Some floats are hauled by lorry whilst others are horse drawn. The fire engine and crew following in the procession. One of the floats depicts the Sphinx, commending Carter's recent discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamen. Another float shows an aircraft called the 'Flying Flea.' There are several bands and pipers in the procession. Another float shows several types of sports and many promote the hospital. People walk along the crowds with collecting tins. At a fairground there is a roundabout and swingboats as well as a Punch and Judy Show. At a cattle market small children look at the pigs and sheep. A toddler in a garden with the lawn mower. A woman and small child leave the house and walk along the street. There are shots of a wedding showing the bride and groom leaving the church. There are also shots showing men leaving a building. One of them has a drum. Final shots are of decorated streets and of a woman pushing a pram.

Featured Events

Chelmsford Carnival, 1934



Background Information

Howard Carter discovered the tomb of the Pharaoh Tutankhamen in 1922 and uncovered the entrance to the tomb on November 4th, 1922.


Chelmsford Carnival 1934

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