Halesworth Events of Local Interest, Summer '35

1935 , Halesworth (Suffolk)

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Events in Halesworth in the summer of 1935.

The Air Circus organised by Alan Cobham at Southwold in July, 1935. There are several shots of aeroplanes on the ground, taking off and landing. There is a shot of a twin engined bi-plane. Members of the public are taken for rides in the aeroplanes. Twin engined bi-planes are filmed flying in formation. The Rectory Fete. All The Fun Of The Fair. The second film shows scenes of the Rectory Fete. Most of these show crowds sitting and standing around for no apparent reason. Brief shots of sporting events suggest a snooker or billiards match and a miniature bowls tournament. Guests take tea and there are shots of side stalls. Henham. The Puppy Show. Henham Harriers. There are shots of dogs in the ring with their handlers and judges. Crowds look on. The first group are fully grown, the second group are puppies. British Legion. Women, Dedication Of Standard. There is a shot of two clergymen and then a military band marches across a field. It is followed by ex-servicemen in civilian clothes. A woman stands holding a standard. There are empty chairs on a raised platform, A crowd gathers. Some of these are women wearing medals. A woman makes a speech from the platform. Henham Harriers. Point To Point At Hinton. Crowds assemble and there is a shot of the horses at the start line. The film interacts between the horses completing the course and the crowd spectating. There is a shot of the tents and marquees as well as the on-course bookies. Crowds pat the horses after the events. There is a shot of a bicycle selling ice cream and of a couple enjoying a beer.

Featured Events

Cobham's Air Circus, Southwold, July 1935. The Rectory Fete, Halesworth, 1935. The Henham Harriers Puppy Show, Henham. 1935. The Dedication Of The Standard. British Legion, 1935. Henham Harriers, Point To Point At Hinton, 1935


Air shows; Aviation


Cobham's Air Circus. Southwold July 1935. The Rectory Fete. All The Fun Of The Fair.Henham. The Puppy Show. Henham Harriers. British Legion. Women, Dedication Of Standard. Henham Harriers. Point To Point At Hinton.

Other Places

Hinton; Southwold


Halesworth Events of Local Interest, Summer '35

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