[Trinity Fair and Other Scenes]

1939 , Southwold (Suffolk)

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A series of four family films shot in Southwold before World War II.

The first of these films shows a family in a well-kept garden of a substantial house. A small girl pushes a walker-cart through the garden. There are other family members present. She has a piggy back with her mother who then poses for the camera with the child. There is a close-up of the child's face. She examines some of the flowers in the flower bed. The second part of the film may be shot in a different garden. It shows a fairly elderly gentleman and some of his animals, mainly a chicken and a tortoise. There are shots of the two and a close-up shot of the tortoise. Then the chicken pulls a small hand made cart.The second film shows the opening of the annual Southwold fair. There is a crowd around the amusements, waiting for the arrival of the Mayor and the official party. There are shots of some people looking on out of upstairs windows. The Mayor opens the fair. He and the Town Corporation, as was traditional, take the first ride. This film ends with shots of two ladies in the town centre and outside a building. The third film shows two different sets of pets in two different gardens. In the first a woman feeds two Siamese cats and two small terrier dogs. A man is filmed with the dogs on a lead, about to go for a walk. The lady plays with the cats in the garden. A golden retriever and a Scottish terrier are filmed on the promenade and on the beach. In a garden a black cat is filmed with these dogs. The final film shows a regatta off the coast at Southwold. There are long shots of the sailing boats and a shot back to shore showing the spectators. The film finishes with a brief shot of a substantial town house.

Featured Events

Trinity Fair, Southwold, c. 1939


Fairs; Family life; Regattas

Background Information

The film shows the same family as two other Archive films: Southwold, Suffolk, 1936, Eversley School Sports, and Southwold, Suffolk, c. 1937, Family Film. The Archive's film Strange Pets And Their Tricks, (Southwold, Suffolk, c. 1927) shows Mr. Hill's Zoo for Small Animals. This film shows the animals doing very similar things. This could be a film of the same venture.


[Trinity Fair and Other Scenes]

  • Aspect
    Unique I D
    Use of collections
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    Source Note
  • Aspects
    Normal Location
    Mus part history

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