Eversley School Sports

1935 - 36 , Southwold (Suffolk)

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Coverage of two sports day events at Eversley School, Southwold

The long jump is the first event of the two-day sports days. There are parents and other schoolboys in uniform around the track. Two jumps are covered, one of which is measured. We see several running races. It is a windy day, as some of the boys are chasing their hats that have blown away. Next is the high jump, the three-legged race and an obstacle race. Boys go under a net, over a ramp and through tyres and barrels. There is a shot of the Headmaster amidst a crowd of schoolboys and races for sisters and mothers before the cricket match. Tea is served by the pavilion. Parents and other boys are in deck chairs watching. The second sports meeting in June, 1936 is filmed on a far colder day - spectators are wearing coats. The film shows similar events. At the cricket match, there is a shot that pans a line of schoolboys, all with drinks. Another shows the team in whites and blazers. There is another long sequence showing the tea. The final sequence was shot on a murky day, probably in winter. This shows a football match. There are cars parked along the touch line.

Featured Events

Eversley House School Sports Day July 6th, 1935; Eversley House School Sports Day, June 1936


Athletics; Children; Schools; Sporting events


The Long Jump.Three Legged Race.The Obstacle Race.The Headmaster.The Junior Quarter Mile.The Sisters Race.The Mothers Race.Eversley School Sports June 1936.Three Cheers For Mr and Mrs Bee and 'Eversley'.


Eversley School Sports

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