A Year With A Youth Club

1961 - 62 , Ilford (Essex and Stoke-by-Nayland, Suffolk)

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Events with a youth club, including a film shot by the youngsters

This is a film record of a year's activities with the St. Andrews, Ilford, Young Peoples Fellowship. The first sequence is shot at the Windyridge Probation Home at Stoke-by-Nayland. This is run by the Methodist Church. The sequence shows a pillow fight on a greasy pole suspended above a plastic pool. Easter Monday Hike. The walkers gather outside the Church and set off for the railway station where they board a train at Ilford Station. There are shots aboard the train. The walkers alight at their destination at Hutton, near Shenfield. They walk in to the country. There are shots of them in fields and in woodlands. One has a trumpet. In the woodland it is quite muddy and one gives the other a piggy back. The Great Pram Race. This shows the competitors assembled in a residential street. There are shots of the pram race around the streets. Best Man Wins. This sequence, in black and white, shows a home movie made by the Youth Club. A young couple buy a ring. They show this to a friend as they leave the shop. The next scene shows a darkened room and a clock showing 7.00am. The best man, apparently fully clothed, is still in bed. His mother wakes him, finally getting him out of bed, in his suit. The crowd are waiting in the Church. The vicar kisses the bride and uses her veil as a handkerchief. The wedding service commences, but the best man doesn't have the ring. He is sent to fetch it. Outside a man is fixing his car. In a speeded up sequence though the streets, he gives the best man a lift to the house. Here his mother is entertaining a gentleman friend. He removes a ring from her finger. Returning to the church he hands over the ring that is placed on the bride's finger. The best man, looking very scruffy, receives a speeding ticket from a traffic policemen. Working Weekend At Ashburnham Place, Battle Sussex. The group arrive outside the Church with their luggage and board a coach. The following scenes are at the camp. There are shots of the tents, the fire and of the group cooking breakfast. One appears intent on wearing as few clothes as possible, cooking in a pair of swimming trunks and a top hat. This is despite the fact that some members of the group are wearing waterproofs. At work, they are clearing a site. There are shots of the group relaxing, which entails throwing water over each other. At the end of the day, they swim in the river.


Easter Monday Hike.The Great Pram Race.We had fun Making a movie. 'Best Man Wins.' Working Weekend At Ashburnham Place, Battle, Sussex.

Other Places

Battle, Sussex; Hutton; Ilford; Stoke-by-Nayland


A Year With A Youth Club

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