Mistley and Manningtree Historical Pageant

1937 , Mistley (Essex)

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School boys of Mistley Place School perform the history of Mistley and Manningtree.

In this record of the Mistley and Manningtree Historical Pageant, written by Miss Hilda Grieve, the boys from Mistley Place School perform a series of dramatised episodes from the area's history. Throughout, they are dressed in elaborate costumes.The first scenes shows the Manni or Cenimagni (the ancient inhabitants of Manningtree) making peace with Julius Caesar. The Danes arrive in a boat on the lake, an imaginatively decorated rowing boat, to rape and pillage. They are shown pillaging and then leaving across the lake. The next sequence is of the Domesday survey, and then of life in the 14th century with a village squabble. Manningtree being taken over by an order of nuns is recorded as is a medieval market day. The 17th century witchfinder general, Matthew Hopkins is shown finding witches and coming to an untimely end. There is a model of the Church, built by the Adams brothers, carried by two boys and a scene showing the day when the umbrella made its first appearance in Manningtree. The final scene is of the finale when all concerned walk up onto the platform and Miss Grieve makes an appearance. There is a brief shot of the audience.

Featured Events

The Mistley and Manningtree Historical Pageant, Mistley Place Park, 1937

Other Places

Mistley Place Park


Mistley and Manningtree Historical Pageant

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    Use of collections
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    Mus part history

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