Sheep Fair

1969 , Hempton (Norfolk)

Amateur footage of the last sheep fair held on Hempton Green in September 1969.

At the last Sheep Fair held on Hempton Green, in September 1969, wooden gated pens keep the curly-horned rams, the golden-fleeced ewes, and their lambs in place. The villagers attend, along with farmers, auctioneers and buyers.

Featured Events

The last Hempton Sheep Fair, September 1969.


Animals; Auctions; Farming; Livestock; Rural life; Village greens.

Background Information

Formerly the largest sheep fair in the country, Hempton Sheep Fair was held annually on Hempton Green on the first Wednesday in September. This footage is likely to show the very last sheep fair in 1969, where 1,026 sheep were offered for sale. Amongst the flocks of lambs, ewes, and rams, are the villagers, auctioneers and buyers. Hempton lies about a mile to the south-west of Fakenham, and its main feature still is its enormous village green, now popular with dog-walkers.

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Sheep Fair

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