Who Was Guy Fawkes?


Anglia Television item asking children about Guy Fawkes.

On the eve of Bonfire Night, a series of children are asked about Guy Fawkes, a co-conspirator in the Gunpowder Plot, whose foiled attempts in 1605 to destroy the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I are celebrated every year. Most of the children know who Guy Fawkes was, and what he did, but few know why he attempted it, or when. One of the older boys is quite knowledgeable on the topic, but mistakes the year as 1665. Two of the younger children interviewed talk about having bonfires in their backyard and setting off fireworks.


Bonfire Night; Celebrations; Children; Fireworks; Gunpowder Plot; Guy Fawkes Night; Traditions

  • Production company : Anglia Television


Who Was Guy Fawkes?

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