Ernest Murrell Film 4

1930s , Norwich (Norfolk)

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Sequences from an amateur drama about two couples who go on a trip to Great Yarmouth and constantly argue.

Sequences from an amateur drama film, not complete, including unedited material, shot at various locations around Norwich and Norfolk. A man digs in a garden and a woman crouches beside him and points to something to the left of her. Close up of the woman and the man arguing. They fight over the plant he was about to put into the soil. Shot of a man in a uniform on a screen. The woman stands in the garden and opens a letter. Close up of the letter. She marches over to the man still digging in the garden and throws the letter at him. She storms into the house and the man sheepishly covers his face with his jacket. The woman gets into a car and the man kisses her before showing her how to use the controls. Shot of the man winding a control at the front of the car before the woman pushes him out of the way and takes over. She drives away. The man shakes hands with another gentleman called Jimmy who was walking past. Jimmy asks him to go away to Yarmouth with him for a week to which he agrees. Jimmy drives his car and stops in front of a house. A large group gets into the car as the girls he had invited along for the ride have brought their families too. A sign for Yarmouth is shown. The group arrives in Yarmouth and walk along the beach. Jimmy, a girl and the man and woman at the beginning of the film all play throw and catch, watch people rowing and go on rides at the pleasure beach. Shots of the couples kissing on the beach. The milkman adds a bottle of milk to the growing pile on the step. He scratches his head in confusion as to why they haven’t been drinking the milk. The man returns home from Yarmouth and shakes his head at the milk bottles. A solicitor from ‘Grabbem & Pinch’ solicitors walks into the garden and shakes the man’s hand. Inside the house, the woman opens the man’s suitcase and takes out a lady's stocking. The solicitor sits down at the table and shows the couple a will. He congratulates them and tells them they will receive some money in the will. They walk outside and once the solicitor has gone the woman throws the stocking at the man. The solicitor walks back into the garden as he forgot his gloves. The man and woman fight in the garden. Close up of a cheque for £10,000 from Farrows Bank. Shot of a ‘For Sale’ sign on a house. A cartoon drawing of two men with the caption ‘Unmarried Men’ written across it. The two women and two men bump into each other on the street. A man saves a woman from accidentally walking in front of a car. She thanks him and shakes his hand. One man walks into a park (Chapelfield Gardens, Norwich) and reads a newspaper whilst sitting on a bench. Another man and a woman walk arm in arm and sit on a bench nearby. Another woman walks into the park. Various shots of the couples walking down the street. The man drops his shopping and when he picks it up a stocking falls on the floor. He tries to hide it but the woman notices. Shot of a woman sitting alone on a bench looking at her watch. The two men walk into the park and meet in the middle in front of the woman. They shake hands and sit on either side of her. Another man wearing a hat runs over to them and the woman stands up. There follows a series of character acting studies with close ups of various people pulling faces at the camera, drinking a mug of beer with relish and reacting with various emotions when reading a letter they are given. In an unrelated sequence at the end of the reel, the title ‘1934 News Pictorial Of Local Events’ with Norwich Castle in the background is followed by a brief scene of a crowd gathered in an area decorated with bunting, and perhaps a Royal visitor and the airfield at Mousehold Heath. This is followed by another title ‘Coming Shortly’.


Beach; Comedy; Drama; Great Yarmouth; Park; Pleasure Beach; Rides; Roller-coasters; Solicitors; Yarmouth;


"What about going to Yarmouth for the week with me?" "Righto! I'll see you in the morning." Jimmy had invited the girls for a ride- But their families came too!! "I must congratulate you both. But i am sure this cannot make you happier than you are already." "My Gloves" Unmarried Men 1934 News Pictorial Of Local Events Coming Shortly

Other Places

Great Yarmouth, Norfolk

Background Information

The films were made by Ernest Murrell.


Keith Hope Film 4

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