The Memorial

1936 , Norwich (Norfolk)

Procession and arrival of dignitaries at Norwich Cathedral for service in memory of King George VI.

This film records scenes in the Cathedral Close as people arrive to attend the service at Norwich Cathedral in memory of King George VI. A flag flies at half mast over Norwich Castle. A crowd gathered in the city is viewed from above. A coach pulled by two horses brings dignitaries to the Cathedral door. Scenes of the civic procession led by mace-bearers. Trumpeters sound the Last Post. Men, many wearing medals, then women in uniform in procession from the Erpingham Gate into the Cathedral Close. Further views of the horse-drawn coach and civic and military arrivals on foot and by car. Police attend at the Cathedral door, including a policeman on horseback, and a small crowd watches on. A procession of clergy and choristers enter the Cathedral. A final view of the flag at half mast.

Featured Buildings

Norwich Cathedral

Featured Events

Death of King George VI


Royalty; Remembrance; Memorials; Trumpets; Civic processions; Military processions

Background Information

King George VI reigned from 6 May 1910 until his death on 20 January 1936.

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