Around the Lakes


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Interesting film of the country in and around the Lake District.

Record of excursions taken during a holiday. Mostly landscape views - some with people in foreground - including Ambleside, Grasmere, Derwentwater, Skiddaw and Borrowdale. There is a boat trip, probably featuring the film-maker and his family. We see Honister and Buttermere, shepherds and sheep, Loweswater, Honister Crag, Coniston, Wastwater, Scaw Fell, Great Gable, Eskdale, Brotherswater and Ullswater. Finally there is harvesting at Wybunbury by a two-horse team followed by hand-scything and a three-horse reaper and binder.

  • Category: Non-fiction

  • Genre: Amateur

  • Work Type: Film

  • Description Type: monographic

  • Related to: IAC

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