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A hen-pecked husband intends to kill his wife using a time-bomb.

Crime drama. A hen-pecked husband decides to murder his wife. He makes a time-bomb and hides it in the kitchen cupboard. He leaves the house (having been told by his wife to be home for 7pm) and goes to the pub (The Queen's Hotel) where he has a brandy. He goes to the park and falls asleep while reading a newspaper, only to be woken by being hit by a football. He returns home, passing a `ban the bomb' poster, and stops to look in the window of funeral directors W.A. Johns & Sons. A clock says it is almost 8pm. He continues past some prefab housing which is filling in the gap in the street caused by bomb damage. Believing the bomb to have gone off, he enters the house, opens the kitchen cupboard, and notices with fright that the clock says 7pm. The bomb explodes. A radio announcer states that British Summertime starts that night and clocks should be put forward one hour.


Married life; Murder; Prefabs; Public houses

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  • Production company :

  • Distributor : Institute of Amateur Cinematographers

  • Award:
    • Group 1:
      • Note: Awards (data migration 25/06/2021): Amateur Cine World 'Ten Best' films. [1975 listing]

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